lately i have been really struggling with my
photography, getting business things organized and coming
to the mid point of my 365 project i have felt a little bogged down.i haven't felt very inspired or inspired at all sometimes . i began second guessing every idea i had for a image based on weather it would work for the blog , would it help attract clients. combine that with warmer weather and more activity in the family and less time at the computer and i was really questioning if i was progressing or just taking prospective changed a little when i revisited this session of Bronte` last night . i took these shots a year ago and at the time i was utterly thrilled with them. i have had them in the back of my mind lately as it is lilac time again but when i went through them last night to blog them i was shocked. as a mom i still think she looks beautiful and i have great memories of that lovely warm evening but as a photographer i couldn't believe how bad the shots were. the white balance was off in most, the focus is questionable in all ,non are tack sharp.i wasn't shooting in raw format so i couldn't change much now and i was still shooting in auto mode .i realize that even though every image is NOT a masterpiece , using my camera everyday is still a worthwhile exercise, i have become a much, much better photographer in the last year and even though it doesn't feel like it i am growing even now,

julianna collett alberta photographer