March 28, 2011

March 23, 2011

And I won't have to look far for your love,

Even through the thickness of the mist.
Because your love will be staring at my eyes,
In a wait of that affectionate kiss.
Andrew M Pierre








i love this lane of trees at one of the graveyards in town and i have been wanting to shoot ther for a long time.
Bronte' and i went out on the weekend , it was colder than we expected and we got stuck and had to call for a rescue , but i think the results were worth it!

March 21, 2011

this week marks one year since i started my blog/business so I am celebrating with a contest.
you know the drill.. promote this contest and you are entered!
tweet it
blog it
Facebook it
become a Facebook follower
and then let me know here or on Facebook that you did and you are entered to win.
contest ends April 1st at noon

March 17, 2011

i am happy to be participating in the bloggers day of silence

please do what you can

lucky in love

March 16, 2011

my daughter has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of her new camera. she has been saving and planing for her graduation trip to Italy in the fall and wanted a good camera to take with her. it arrived this morning and i am going to pick her up from school and take her out for lunch and make opening it a special occasion. many years ago ,  after all my first camera changed my life!





March 15, 2011

i needed to hear this yesterday
so glad i found it
i think it applies to many things so i thought i would pass it on.

[suhk-ses] WPPI 2011 from stillmotion on Vimeo.

March 14, 2011

i was up and out early this morn for a consultation with a Bride, only to have to turn around because of bad roads . i am trying to take this opportunity to get some odds and ends done and view it as extra time. i haven't had a chance to upload my latest "hue and texture" series and now BROWN seems like a depressing choice! i will have to work on something cheerier this week. snuggle up and stay warm.


March 11, 2011

March 10, 2011

you know you're in love when  you can't fall asleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams
 Dr. Seuess

Ashley and Dan , my sweet Valentines Day shoot and the first wedding of the season.
April is coming fast ... I am so excited!

ashley and dan blog

March 08, 2011

i need to apologize, it seems my blog has been a bit of a mess lately. i have been making some changes to my html  the last couple of months  and i was doing it on my wonderful big I-MAC , what i didn't realize ( until a kind follower pointed it out ) was that on  many of your screens the pictures were being cut off.  ooops.. that is not a great look for a photography blog ! i think i have  tidied up and corrected the problem.
i have also noticed that people are much more likely to comment on Facebook than on the blog , if that is your preference - fabulous - if there is a problem with the comment box let me know! and as always i love hearing from you.
a little visual treat on a cold afternoon.



March 02, 2011

Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey

Art imitates Life