September 29, 2010

here is a little sneek peek from last night's session with dallas and carmen...
so much fun, can't wait to post more!


September 24, 2010

sneek    peek-a-boo from last night with Franco
much more to come!

once upon a time...

September 20, 2010

flickr inspiration

what better time for some inspiration then a rainy monday morning. my brain is in full design mode again these days,we waited so long to start this house build i want to make sure everything is planned just right,the reality is however that there is a LOT of things to do before the fun stuff. i spent the weekend learning how to operate a tractor with a loader and raking and compacting an entire semi load of gravel... there are 6 more to go!!!! this morning i needed to look at some inspiring  elements of design .

September 18, 2010

i am having a hard time appreciating the weather these days, i have clients lined up waiting for some warm weather shots but the warm weather does not seem to be happening. in the mean time i try and appreciate these days for what they are, you have to admit...
it feels like fall

The best place to be is in the middle of a good book - Unknown

September 16, 2010

learning photography requires learning a new vocabulary. when i first started posting on i would get comments like "love the DOF"  "great "POV" ,"wonderful bokeh" 
" brave comp"  and i had no what they meant! gradually i learned and sometimes i had to ask the "stupid" questions to find out. they are the elements the make your image unique and interesting and guide the viewers eye to what you want them to see.
as i developed my style i learned that i love to shoot with a shallow DOF.... DEPTH OF FIELD , this means that my subject is in focus and everything in front of and behind is blurred. i love the details of a scene and this way of shooting draws the viewers eye directly to the focus point. i will discuss how to achieve this look  on a later post but for now here are some of my favorite images with " great DOF"
260/365 memories
267/365 school snacks
261/365 Bedtime

September 11, 2010

just because saturdays are for sleeping in!
these stop motion videos fascinate me hundreds of images go into even the shortest one, enjoy...

September 09, 2010

if you ask me i would say that my favorite season is summer , but more and more i am realizing maybe it is fall. i have a thing for trees and i love leaves and fall is really when they are the stars of the show. i did this shoot with christian on his last day at home before we took him to university and it was a fun way to spend some time together. these are hard days for us , our family getting used to him being gone and he being homesick. when we were in the city we used his GPS and when we took a wrong turn it would say in a flustered british lady voice "reconfiguring , reconfiguring" that is how i feel these days but i am sure that by the time the leaves have all fallen he will be having a great time and we will feel better because of it.



September 07, 2010

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have

into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos

to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast,

a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes

sense of our past, brings peace for today,

and creates a vision for tomorrow.

- Melody Beattie

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.

September 06, 2010

sneak peek....

one of my many favorites from a session i did with christian last week.
i should really have found the time to edit them all too because we took him to
university this weekend and now i will be trying to work on them through watery eyes!
more to come..
I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday. ~Abraham Lincoln